Global Vision Publishing House


Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists (4 Vols. Set)

Original price was: ₹8,000.00.Current price is: ₹7,850.00.

Author : Edited by H.L. Kalia, N.K. Singh & Rita Singh
ISBN : 81-87746-06-8
Edition : 1st
Year : 2002
Size : 28.5×21 Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 8,000


About the Book

This is a pioneering attempt to cover an in depth biographical informations of 375 eminent psychologists from all over the world since earliest time to present day. For including the name as psychologist in this encyclopaedia, some basic principles have always been kept in mind, i.e., those who gave new dimensions in psychological thoughts and different views of all the major psychological schools and traditions of the world from different fields, times and places. Each entry of the psychologists has been written following different aspects as– Nationality; Date of birth and death (where appropriate), with places where these can be ascertained; Fields of major contributions; Details of education, professional and other appointments; Outline of the psychologist’s ideas with some indication of his reception and influence on others  as well as some additional sources of informations regarding him other than those listed in the primary and secondary materials used by the author of the entry. We believe that none of the major psychologist’s name have been missing from this Encyclopaedia. We have sought to represent psychologists  throughout the world in the light of the different criteria which apply to different countries at different times. An authentic, outstanding and wide informative multi-volume Encyclopaedia of the World Psychologists, is compiled, edited and arranged in alphabetical order.

About the Editors

H.L. Kaila is M.A. (Psychology), M.Phil & Ph.D. (Social Sciences) from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai; Diploma in Guidance and Counselling from Punjab University; Diploma in Training and Development from Indian Society for Training & Development, New Delhi. Presently, he is working as Reader and Head of Psychology Department, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai. He also worked at Central Labour Institute about 11 years in the industrial psychology division. He has published a number of books and research papers.

N.K. Singh, M.A., Ph.D. Is working as a Director of International Centre for Religious Studies, Delhi and Chief Editor of Global Religious Vision—a quarterly Research Journal.  He has written and edited a number of books.

Rita Singh, obtained her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree from the Calcutta University. Her area of specialization is Genetics and Tissue Culture. A keen researcher, Dr. (Mrs) Singh has many research papers and books to her credit. Presently, she is working as a Scientist at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.


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