Global Vision Publishing House


Effectiveness of Secondary Schools: Analysis of Correlation

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Author: Dr. K. Dakshinamurthy and Dr. Ravi, T. S.
ISBN: 9789388612234
Price: INR 1450
Edition: 2nd
Year: 2019
Pages: 320
Size: 14.5×21.5cm
Weight: 560gms
Publishers: Global Vision Publishing House





About Book

The present edition identifies certain variables responsible for school variance that account for differences in school effectiveness and offers suggestions for further research. The present study has been classified into six chapters. The very first chapter introduces concept of school effectiveness and its correlation. Second chapter examines different models of organizational effectiveness and presents the prominent alternative frameworks for the study of the schools effectiveness. Third chapter reviews the Indian as well as international studies conducted on the effectiveness of schools while fourth chapter presents the research design of the study outlining details regarding the choice of the tools, selection of sample, collection and analysis of data. The results of the data analyses made in the present study along with interpretations are provided in fifth chapter while sixth chapter is the concluding part of the present study which gives a brief summary of the study stating the objectives, methodology and the major findings. The findings of this study will be useful for school heads, school management, school grant providers and policy makers.

About Authors

Dr. K. Dakshinamurthy has been identified as an eminent teacher, researcher and research guide in higher education. He is presently working as a Associate Professor in the P.G. Department of Education, Karnatak University, Dharwad (Karnataka). He has specialized in educational psychology, educational research and educational planning and finance and has successfully guided Ph.D., M. Phil. and M.Ed. students. He has attended and presented a number of papers in various state, national and international level conferences and participated as resource person in workshops, symposiums and conferences. He also visited Malaysia and Spain for presentation of research papers. He has served as a Chairman of BOE and the member of BOS and faculty in the department. He has worked as an examiner, paper setter and external member of BOE of various other universities. His immense knowledge in the area of educational research led him to prepare this comprehensive research work for the benefit of teachers who are working at all levels of educational system in teaching and learning.

Dr. Ravi, T.S. has obtained his M.A. degree from Karnataka State Open University, Mysore; M.Ed. degree from Kuvempu University, Shimoga; M.Phil. from Alagappa University, Karaikudi (Tamil Nadu) and Ph.D. degree from Karnatak University, Dharwad. He has worked as Principal in Sri Siddharoodha College of Education, Dharwad and presently he is working as Associate Professor in KSS P.G Department of Education and Research Centre, Davangere (Karnataka). He has successfully guided M.Ed. students for their dissertation work. He has attended a number of seminars, workshops, conferences and symposiums at state, national and international levels. His areas of specialization are educational psychology and educational philosophy.


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