Global Vision Publishing House


Behavioral Transformation in Applied Psychology

Original price was: ₹1,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,450.00.

Author : G. Venkatesh Kumar & NovRattan Sharma
ISBN : 978-81-8220-658-8
Edition : 1st
Year : 2016
Pages : 328
Size : 21×14Cm
Publisher : Global Vision Publishing House
Price : INR 1,500


About the Book

Psychology in its pursuits of scientific knowledge has developed various strategies to handle behavioral patterns. Behavior, being the centric issue in psychology has crossed through pure to applied researches. When in case of pure researches investigator manipulate and empirically test them while in applied psychology he takes on application part to understand as well as transform the behavior that are of big concern. The ultimate goal of science is to help the mankind by discovering new, effective and workable programs. Present book is an effort in this direction to assimilate those transformative strategies which have been not only tested in Indian conditions but also yielding fruitful and desirable results. The behavior transformation procedures target adolescents, adults, aged and even some disease or disorder group people. The objective is to sensitize people for adopting scientific approaches to foster the changes in behavior. Behavior transformation methods, skill development programs if applied judiciously may bring big changes enabling the individual to function at optimal level. However, the scope of Applied Psychology is beyond the size of book but in the present volume only behavioral changes have been the focus throughout.  Behavioral Transformation in Applied Psychology will surely motivate the readers to pursue their researches by developing those suitable programs which will skill the participants at a greater extent affecting overall functioning. 

About the Editors

G. Venkatesh Kumar is Professor and Chairman, DOS in Psychology at University of Mysore, Mysore. With a throughout first class background in his academics, Prof. Kumar has a teaching and research experience of more than thirty years. He has served the department as Chairman for three terms and also worked as the Director , UGC- Academic Staff College of his university for six years. With  vast teaching , research and administrative experiences, he has published 65 research articles and five books. He has successfully guided 23 Ph.D scholars. His areas of research and extension work includes Counselling, Health Psychology and Life Skills Development. More than ten prestigious awards ,including a Best Teacher Award, have been conferred upon him. He has widely travelled around the globe ( name few places such as Australia ,Seoul, USA, UK and Ireland) for the various academic pursuits. He is the life member of ten professional and Academic organisations. Prof. Kumar has also been on the expert panel of SSC, ATI,KPA BVB, TCS, JK Vikrant and many other GO and NGO groups. He has been extensively engaged in community service programs by offering counselling and training to the participants. Prof. Kumar has visited more than fifteen schools and colleges of Mysore as trainer and as many as 250 workshops have been conducted  on Stress Management, Leadership, Motivation and Attitude change for KAS and IAS officers and college / university teachers. At present, he is Regional President ( South) of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. 

Nov Rattan Sharma is working as professor of Psychology at M. D. University , Rohtak (Haryana). With a teaching and research experience of more than 32 years, Professor Sharma has contributed 132 research articles to various journals and books of international repute. In order to participate in academic programs of National and International levels, he has traveled extensively and so far one hundred  two seminars, conferences and workshops are to his credit. He has edited ten books with a variety of applied research areas. Around  25 research scholars have successfully completed their doctoral thesis under his supervision. He is the recipient of many prestigious awards like Prof. (Mrs.) Manju Thakur Memorial Award ;Prof. Mrs. Anima Sen Award;  Best Psychologist  Award, 2014; Ugadi Puraskaram State Award , 2015 and Best Citizen Gold Medal Award. Prof. Sharma is the life member of thirteen Professional and Academic bodies. At present he is the Secretary of Indian Academy of Applied Psychology. Being  the Deputy Co-Ordinator of DRS- I,II and III SAP of UGC in the department , Prof. Sharma has been actively engaged in the health assessment , awareness and promotion programs. In addition to researches on Indian Psychology, his broad area of research is Personality and Positive Health. His majority of researches encompasses one or the other intervention on behavioural transformation. Prof. Sharma is the Editor of Indian Journal of Health Psychology since its inception. 


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