Global Vision Publishing House


Ambedkar’s Social Philosophy

Original price was: ₹995.00.Current price is: ₹994.00.

Author: By Aristotle; Trans. By Benjamin Jowett
ISBN: 978-93-89124-67-5
Price: INR 995
Edition: Ist
Year: 2020
Pages: 280
Size: 14*21cm
Weight: 500gms
Publishers: Global Vision Publishing House


About the Book

Ambedkar rose to eminence as a social thinker/reformer and a leader of the marginalised section of society. He made them conscious of their united strength and their power to vote and organised them and led them to agitate in a peaceful manner for the vindication of their rights. Ambedkar’s mission to emancipate the depressed classes from the stigma of untouchability is designed into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the Ambedkar interpretation of Hindu social order, its mechanism, genesis, development and annihilation. The second chapter discusses Ambedkar’s struggle for empowering marginalised section of society. It also focuses on identities, nomenclature, theories on the origin of untouchables and discrimination and marginalization of dalits, wand tribes. Ambedkar approaches to liberate down trodden people of society and his method and approach to emancipate dalits, women and tribes through socio-religious reforms movement is examined in the third chapter. The fourth chapter explores Ambedkar’s ideas for bringing out the essence of his visionary conceptualization of social justice and their relevance in contemporary national scenario. His quest for social justice through constitutional means and institutional measures are traced in this chapter. Author has provided a comprehensive information to authenticate his arguments and analysis, which makes this book authoritative and relevant.

About the Author

Bhupen Chaudhary, born in Munger and educated from Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, is a young and dynamic research scholar, and teacher of sociology. He has done M.A. in Sociology and carrying research on “Social Movement and Agrarian Transformation in Bihar (1947–1990)” in TMBU, Bhagalpur. He has participated many seminar and conferences and contributed a number of research papers in journals of national repute. Presently, he is teaching in J.R.S. College, Jamalpur.


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