Global Vision Publishing House


The Gheranda Samhita


Author : By Maharshi Gheranda
ISBN : 978-81-19462-48-3
Page : 176
Edition : Reprint
Year : 2025
Size : 14.5×21.5 Cm
Price : Rs. 1200/-
Format : Hardcover


About the Book
The Gheranda Samhita is considered as one of the three important texts (Hatha-yoga-pradipika and Siva-samhita) in the Haha-yoga tradition. It’s the most encyclopedic of the classic Yoga texts and teaches a unique sevenfold path to perfection of the person. The book, containing three hundred and fifty verses, is divided into seven chapters, in each of which are given the directions for the purification of the body, asanas or postures, mudras, pratyahara, pranayama, dhyana, and samadhi. The present transcription and translation of the Gheranda Samhita from original Sanskrit into English is an important contribution to the literature on yoga and should be of great use to those interested in the subject. Even though some grammatical inconsistencies, textual corruption and lack of succinctness are noted in the verses still due to the richness of techniques and Yogic inputs, Gheranda-samhita becomes one of the most important texts in Hatha-yoga to be studied with great attention by the practitioners of Yoga.

About the Author

Virtually nothing is known about Maharshi Gheranda. His mention of Vishnu is a couple of verses is the basis of speculation that he may have been a Vaishnavite (those who worship Vishnu as the Supreme Lord and adopt Vaishnava philosophy). It has been found that his teachings are known in the north-eastern part of India.


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